Northern Marianas College (NMC)’s Regent Nominating Committee is seeking one (1) prospective individual to serve as a member of its Board of Regents. This prestigious position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the strategic direction and governance of the College. We invite applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences who are passionate about higher education and committed to advancing the College’s mission of cultivating stewardship through scholarship.

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Disability Support Services

The Northern Marianas College is committed to ensuring, through a variety of services, access facilities and programs to students with either permanent or temporary disabilities. The Disabilities Support Services (DSS) coordinates with NMC’s accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Accommodations are determined on a case by case basis at the request of the student. Current and prospective students interested in receiving more information regarding services for students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the DSS Counselor.

The Northern Marianas College is committed to ensuring, through a variety of services, access facilities and programs to students with either permanent or temporary disabilities. The Disabilities Support Services (DSS) coordinates with NMC’s accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Accommodations are determined on a case by case basis at the request of the student. Current and prospective students interested in receiving more information regarding services for students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the DSS Counselor.

How to Apply

Apply by following these simple steps:

  1. Contact the DSS Counselor through phone, email, or in-person to self-identify and inform them about your disability or diagnosis.
  2. Complete and sign DSS Application for Services.
  3. Submit supporting documents from a licensed physician, licensed psychologist, or licensed therapist that states your diagnosis or disability (e.g., Individualized Education Plan, 504 Plan, Individualized Plan for Employment, or Letter from Doctor).
  4. Schedule an intake assessment interview with the DSS Counselor.
  5. Your documents will be reviewed and assessed for approval.
  6. If approved, reasonable accommodations will be considered based on your need, and your instructors will be informed accordingly.

Reasonable Accommodations

Reasonable accommodations are provided for students with documented disabilities and vary based on individual needs.

Types of Reasonable Accommodations: 

  1. Extended test time with breaks
  2. Alternate testing location
  3. Notetaker
  4. Preferential seating in class
  5. Advance notice of scheduled assignments
  6. Participation in early registration
  7. One-on-one tutoring
  8. Excused absences for frequent medical appointments
  9. Accessible table and chairs
  10. Frequent breaks as needed
  11. Relocation of classroom(s)
  12. Tape recording
  13. Copy of instructor notes and lectures
  14. Use of CCTV
  15. Reader
  16. Alternate formats for tests/assignments
  17. Staggered exams
  18. NMC accessible parking spot
  19. ASL Interpreter
  20. Scribe


Dawn Margaret Sarmiento
Disability Support Services Counselor