Northern Marianas College (NMC)’s Regent Nominating Committee is seeking one (1) prospective individual to serve as a member of its Board of Regents. This prestigious position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the strategic direction and governance of the College. We invite applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences who are passionate about higher education and committed to advancing the College’s mission of cultivating stewardship through scholarship.

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Unleash Your Potential

Army ROTC Cadet Officer

Join the ARMY ROTC Program At NMC

There are many benefits to joining the Army ROTC through NMC:

  1. Participants can accelerate their way to becoming commissioned Army officers.
  2. Best of all, on graduation, those who complete ROTC at NMC and the University of Guam will receive a bachelor’s degree and commission as a second lieutenant.
  3. Becoming an Army ROTC participant at NMC allows students to develop their leadership skills and also have the opportunity to learn military tactics, navigational skills, and teamwork.
  4. The Army ROTC program allows participants to explore what it’s like to have a military career. There is NO military obligation to commit during the first two years (unless students sign a contract, but again, this is NOT required for the first two years).
  5. Becoming a commissioned officer offers a higher income. During the first year of service, a Second Lieutenant will be paid approximately $54,000, including a tax-free housing allowance.
  6. Students are eligible to participate in Field Training Exercises on Guam where they are able to apply their classroom training on the field.

Army ROTC is a unique college elective. It takes no more of your time than would most other college courses. The credits received from ROTC classes go toward your diploma. And when you graduate, you'll receive a diploma and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.

ROTC training goes beyond the typical college classroom. You could be leading your classmates on a tactical mission, or taking part in outdoor adventure training designed to improve your ability to solve problems under stress.

You will learn skills you would expect to find in an Army officer including how to motivate co-workers, cope with the unexpected, and organize large, complex tasks. The program also promotes the learning of skills in demand today in the civilian and business world such as: teamwork, tact, and effective communications. Lastly, you will learn from experienced Army officers and noncommissioned officers; and in time, help pass on what you've learned to newer students as well.

Army ROTC Cadet Officer

Join the ARMY ROTC Program At NMC

There are many benefits to joining the Army ROTC through NMC:

  1. Participants can accelerate their way to becoming commissioned Army officers.
  2. Best of all, on graduation, those who complete ROTC at NMC and the University of Guam will receive a bachelor’s degree and commission as a second lieutenant.
  3. Becoming an Army ROTC participant at NMC allows students to develop their leadership skills and also have the opportunity to learn military tactics, navigational skills, and teamwork.
  4. The Army ROTC program allows participants to explore what it’s like to have a military career. There is NO military obligation to commit during the first two years (unless students sign a contract, but again, this is NOT required for the first two years).
  5. Becoming a commissioned officer offers a higher income. During the first year of service, a Second Lieutenant will be paid approximately $54,000, including a tax-free housing allowance.
  6. Students are eligible to participate in Field Training Exercises on Guam where they are able to apply their classroom training on the field.

Army ROTC is a unique college elective. It takes no more of your time than would most other college courses. The credits received from ROTC classes go toward your diploma. And when you graduate, you'll receive a diploma and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.

ROTC training goes beyond the typical college classroom. You could be leading your classmates on a tactical mission, or taking part in outdoor adventure training designed to improve your ability to solve problems under stress.

You will learn skills you would expect to find in an Army officer including how to motivate co-workers, cope with the unexpected, and organize large, complex tasks. The program also promotes the learning of skills in demand today in the civilian and business world such as: teamwork, tact, and effective communications. Lastly, you will learn from experienced Army officers and noncommissioned officers; and in time, help pass on what you've learned to newer students as well.


How is ROTC organized?

Traditionally, Army ROTC is a four-year program. The first two years comprise the Basic Course. This includes classroom studies in such subjects as military history, leadership development and national defense. You can enroll in the program for the first two years without incurring any future military obligation (if you don't have an ROTC scholarship).

After you've successfully completed the Basic Course, you can compete to gain admission into the Advanced Course. It's during this part of the program that you'll get to put your newfound management skills to the test. Of course, you'll also continue to get instruction in tactics, ethics and professionalism.

As a cadet in the Advanced Course, you'll spend the summer between your junior and senior years attending the Advanced Camp. At camp, you will have the opportunity to handle the complex tasks of a unit leader such as leading your group across difficult terrain or building a bridge across a river. Additionally, you will also face the challenge of solving difficult personnel problems or handling expensive military equipment which aid in training skills such as: quick-thinking, working under pressure, and providing motivation for others.

Then, as a cadet in the Advanced Course, your management skills will continue to be sharpened. You'll teach new ROTC students what you've learned. And when you graduate from college, you're ready to be a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army.


Can I enroll even though I am not a first term freshman?

Enrollment in the ROTC program is traditionally a four-year program, in which an incoming freshman enrolls during the first semester in college. However, enrollment can still be achieved up through the end of the second year in college. Basic Course ROTC credit and Advanced Course enrollment can be achieved in a few different ways:

  • Sophomores can compress the Basic Course into one year.
  • Sophomores with Junior ROTC can meet the requirements of the first year of the Basic Course.
  • Sophomores can attend the Leader's Training Course during the summer preceding their junior year.
  • Veterans, Army National Guardsmen and U.S. Army Reservist can enroll directly into the Advanced Course at the start of their junior year.


What benefits are available from ROTC?

Army ROTC offers 4-, 3- and 2-year scholarships. The ROTC scholarship covers tuition, mandatory fees, and an annual book allowance.

Scholarship cadets and all Advanced Course cadets are provided a stipend (subsistence allowance). The subsistence allowance typically begins on the first day of school of the year the student is contracted as a cadet. The subsistence allowance increases as the cadet progresses in the program.

ROTC cadets are covered by the Veteran's Administration (VA) for serious injuries (permanent in nature) or Workman's Compensation for less serious injuries (temporary in nature) when participating in ROTC activities. This also includes cadets at the Leader's Training Course.


Basic Courses

  • MSL101 - Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking, 102 - Adaptive Leadership and Professional Competence, in the freshmen year 
    Role and Origin of the Army, Customs and traditions of the Army, Branches of the Army, Selected military operations and tactical tasks
  • MSL 201 - Leadership and Decision Making, 202 - Army Doctrine and Team Development, in the sophomore year
    Role of the NCO, Communications, Code of Conduct, First Aid, Principles of War, Additional selected military operations and tactical tasks
  • MSL301 - Training Management and the Warfighting Functions, 302 - MSL 302 - Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations, in the junior year
    Command and Staff functions, Professional Military Education Components, Human Behavior, Military History, Math Reasoning, Computer Literacy, NBC Warfare, Law of War, Leadership Labs, Weapons, Branches of the Army

  • MSL 392 - Cadet Summer Training - Cadet Leadership Course (CST - CLC)
    Fort Knox, KY, 39 days of training
    Post Course training available

  • MSL 401 - The Army Officer, 402 - Company Grade Leadership, in the senior year
    Military Justice, Intelligence and Electronic Warfare, Army Personnel Management System, Army Logistics System, Post and Installation Support, Operations and Tactics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long is the program?

Students will take four semesters of MSL courses at NMC (about two years as students can also earn their associate degrees) and then transition to UOG to complete the program for another two years. Students who complete the four-year program will receive a bachelor's degree from UOG and become a commissioned officer.

What other benefits will I receive by participating in Army ROTC?

Army ROTC enhances your college experience by providing training that will make you motivated, confident, and ready to lead. ROTC instruction is based on training the future leaders of the Army and the Nation. You will have practical instruction in such areas as organizational leadership, communication, and time management. The skills you learn will be ones that benefit you for your entire life, whether you are a career military officer or a business executive.

What kinds of scholarships will I have access to?

Cadets at NMC have access to applying for federal financial aid (using FAFSA), CNMI Scholarship, and SHEFA. Cadets at UOG that sign a commitment contract with the Army also receive a monthly stipend of $420 (updated) a month. Additionally, some cadets will earn a scholarship for either full tuition OR room and board. All Cadets on CBN scholarship receive a book allowance of $600 per semester ($1200 per year); MHSNO BOR Scholarship -- $500 year

Who can apply for a ROTC scholarship?

  • To be eligible for an ROTC scholarship you must meet the following criteria:
  • Be at least 17 years of age within the first semester of your freshman year, and must not reach your 31st birthday by 31 December of the year in which you will graduate from college and receive your commission.
  • Maintain 2.5 Cumulative GPA
  • Be a full time student (undergrad or grad) (12 credit hours)
  • Have demonstrated good moral character
  • Meet physical qualification standards
  • Meet medical qualification standards

What career opportunities exist for me in the army?

In addition to the Army’s combat branches, such as Armor, Infantry, Artillery, and Aviation, the Army has just about every career field you would find in the civilian world, including doctors, dentists, hospital administrators, lawyers, intelligence specialists, linguists, and even veterinarians. No matter what the branch, as an Army officer you are a leader of people and a manager of resources. While many of your friends are still job hunting, straight out of college you will be placed in charge of a platoon of up to 50 American soldiers, ranging from 18 to 40 years old. You will be responsible for their health, training and welfare program, as well as safeguarding and maintaining millions of dollars of high-tech equipment found in today’s Army. This is why junior officers who decide to leave the military are so sought after by corporate America. Corporate CEOs know these individuals have a proven track record. They realize that as a result of their training and experience, military officers know how to motivate people and solve problems. Most of all, they have demonstrated the values--duty, honor, loyalty, integrity, commitment, selfless service, and respect--values that employers are looking for in their junior executives.

How much money will I make as an Army officer?

ROTC cadets, upon commissioning, are appointed as Second Lieutenants in the Army. During the first year of service a Second Lieutenant will be paid approximately $54,000, including a tax-free housing allowance (CY 2019). This salary goes up steadily with both increases in rank, and time in service. Over a four-year period (the active duty commitment for scholarship cadets), an officer will earn approximately $250,000.

How much time does ROTC take during the week?

For the first two years at NMC, freshman and sophomores attend class 2 hours per week. When they transition to UOG, juniors and seniors attend class for 3 hours per week. All Cadets attend 4 physical training sessions of 1 hour each per week. All Cadets also attend a 2.5 hour leadership lab each week. Freshman and sophomores average 6 hours of ROTC a week. Junior Cadets average 8 hours per week. Senior Cadets plan, coordinate, and execute the training for the physical training and the leadership labs, they average anywhere from 3 to 12 hours of ROTC a week. Each semester the Battalion will conduct one weekend field exercise lasting about 48 to 72 hours.

What are my obligations?

Cadets do not incur an obligation to the U.S. Army until they sign a contract. Freshman and sophomores are not required to sign contracts and can participate without obligation, unless they receive and accept a scholarship. When a Cadet reaches the junior year they must sign a contract accepting their commitment to the U.S. Army. All contracts state that upon graduation the Cadet will accept a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army and will complete an 8 year commitment. For Cadets that are going on Active Duty the commitment will be served as 4 years on Active duty and 4 years in a reserve status. Cadets that are going in the National Guard or US Army Reserve will normally serve 8 years in their ARNG or USAR unit.

As a cadet, can I still participate in other activities?

Absolutely. ROTC encourages Cadets to participate in other programs at the University. University of Guam ROTC Cadets are members of varsity sports teams; participate in extracurricular activities; participate in intramural sports, and community service organizations.

I want the scholarship money, but I do not think I want to go on active duty. What can I do?

If you do not want to go on active duty you can join the Army National Guard or U.S. Army Reserves, there are special scholarships for these Cadets known as Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) scholarship.

Do Military Science courses count toward graduation?

Our Military Science credits will count toward your total hours for graduation, but will not take the place of any required courses. They do consider Military Science Courses as electives though. ROTC courses can count as the 3 required credits for the wellness category of General Education requirements.

Will I have to attend Basic Training (Boot Camp)?

No. ROTC cadets do not attend Basic Training. In fact, as an ROTC cadet you will not be ‘in the Army. You can participate in ROTC as a non-contracted cadet your freshman and sophomore years without any obligation. This means if ROTC isn’t for you, you can withdraw without incurring a military service obligation.

By enrolling in ROTC, are you joining the Army?

No. Students who enroll in ROTC don’t join the Army. They take an ROTC class for which they receive credit. It’s considered a college elective. Once a Cadets signs a contract, than they are committed to the Army.

Is ROTC like ‘boot camp’?

No. ROTC cadets go directly to college where they earn their degree.

What can students expect to learn by taking ROTC?

Quite simply, leadership skills need to become a U.S. Army officer or have a successful civilian career.

What makes ROTC different from regular college management courses?

Students in ROTC learn through a unique program that involves both classroom and ’live’ situations. Leadership labs are focused on giving Cadets opportunities to practice leadership during military activities.

Is there a military obligation during college?

Until a Cadet signs a contract there is no military obligation (or the first year in the case of scholarship winners).

What is the ROTC course comprised of?

The ROTC program is divided into phases: The Basic Course studies Army organization and structures as well as basic leadership and Army skills. The techniques and principles of leadership and management are stressed throughout. The Advanced Course concentrates on tactical operations, training management, and military instruction, as well as advanced techniques of management, leadership, and command.

How much money does ROTC usually award and what does the money go toward?

Scholarships pay either full tuition at UOG or room and board. Also, scholarship winners receive a book allowance of $1200 a year.

On what basis are scholarship winners chosen?

ROTC scholarships are not based on financial need. Instead, they’re awarded on merit. Merit is exhibited in academic achievement and extracurricular activities, such as sports, student government or part-time work. The three main focus areas for the Army are Scholarship, Athletics, and Leadership or Scholar Athlete Leader (SAL)

Can only scholarship winners enroll in ROTC?

No. Anyone can enroll in ROTC. And regardless of whether you’re a scholarship winner or not, all ROTC books, uniforms, and equipment are furnished at no cost to you.

How do students benefits from Army ROTC?

In college and after graduation, cadets find that the training and experience that they have received are assets – whether pursuing an Army or civilian career. Employers place high regard on the management and leadership skills that ROTC instructors stress. Plus, ROTC looks great on a resume. When cadets complete the ROTC course, upon graduation, they become commissioned officers in the U.S. Army.

Contact Us!

To get started, send an email to Clement Bermudes to indicate you are interested in becoming a participant. You can also contact the NMC hotline at (670) 285-7651 or (670) 285-2059 during normal business hours.