Northern Marianas College (NMC)’s Regent Nominating Committee is seeking one (1) prospective individual to serve as a member of its Board of Regents. This prestigious position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the strategic direction and governance of the College. We invite applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences who are passionate about higher education and committed to advancing the College’s mission of cultivating stewardship through scholarship.

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COVID-19 Updates

Stay Safe. Stay Calm. Sail On, Proas.

The Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation and the Governor’s COVID-19 Taskforce would like to inform the general public that people ages 65 years and older and those living with an underlying health condition such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, asthma, heart condition, etc. may register to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. If you have questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first.

The COVID-19 Vaccine will be available on December 22-23, 2020 from 7:30AM-9:00PM at the MCATS at the CHCC, Navy Hill. Participants are encouraged to consult with their doctor about getting the COVID-19 vaccine before making an appointment. The COVID-19 Vaccine requires 2 doses (shots), 21 days apart to be effective. Participants will automatically be registered for their second dose (shot).

Register online

To register online please visit

  • People 65 years and older use verification code: manamko101

  • People living with underlying health condition use verification code: vuln101

  • Upload a copy of your Government Issued Photo ID and Insurance information (card)

  • If you are unable to upload a copy, please bring them to your appointment


Register over the phone or in-person

For more information or registration assistance, please call the Vaccinate CNMI Call Center at (670) 682-SHOT (7468) available Monday to Sunday, 7:30AM-10:00PM. Staff will also be available on-site for registration. Please bring a copy of your Government Issued ID, Insurance Card, and Registration Confirmation.

How can I prepare for my appointment?

  1. After registration, participants will receive a confirmation email or call. If you do not receive a confirmation email or call, please call (670) 682-SHOT (7468).

  2. Parking is available for COVID-19 participants across the CHCC Main Campus on Navy Hill Road.

  3. Show your ID at the MCATS Gate.

  4. Caregivers will be allowed to accompany patients on site but may not be allowed in the vaccination area if space is limited.


  5. It is common for people to experience pain in their arm during and after vaccination.


  6. Patients will be monitored for 15 minutes after vaccination and will get a shot card for their next appointment.


  7. Regardless of registration, vaccine participation at this time is limited to people with a health condition or 65 years and older.

Possible Side Effects of the Pfizer Vaccine

Patients who get their COVID-19 Vaccine may experience side effects. This does not mean you have COVID-19.

  • Pain, swelling, or redness at injection site

  • Tiredness

  • Headache

  • Muscle pain

  • Chills

  • Joint pain

  • Fever

  • Nausea

  • Feeling unwell

  • Swollen lymph nodes

Patients can report side effects by registering for V-Safe or calling the Vaccinate CNMI Call Center. V- safe is a smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after you receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Register at

If side effects do not go away in a week, or you have more serious side effects call the CHCC Tele- Triage 24/7 Hotline at (670) 233-2067.

As the CNMI COVID-19 Vaccination plans are operationalized, the CHCC Outpatient Clinics and Hospital services will continue to be available as normal.

For more information about CHCC programs, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at @cnmichcc, check out our website at or call us at (670) 234-8950.

For more information about the CNMI’s COVID-19 Vaccine efforts please visit
This press release may be found online at