Northern Marianas College (NMC)’s Regent Nominating Committee is seeking one (1) prospective individual to serve as a member of its Board of Regents. This prestigious position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the strategic direction and governance of the College. We invite applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences who are passionate about higher education and committed to advancing the College’s mission of cultivating stewardship through scholarship.

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The latest news from Northern Marianas College

Northern Marianas College Nursing Program, in collaboration with the CNMI Area Health Education Center, is offering a Nursing Assistant Certificate Program which will run for 10 weeks this summer from May 31 through August 6, 2021.

This course will prepare entry-level nursing assistants to provide basic nursing care to the elderly, ill, and persons with disabilities in long-term care, hospitals, clinics, schools, and home health settings. It is designed for any student or individual interested in beginning a career as a nursing assistant, individuals interested in taking a nursing course but still at developmental English and math levels, and for persons already employed as a nursing assistant but have not completed formal course work.

Upon completion of this course, the participants will be able to take the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) Competency Examination administered by the NMI Board of Nursing. Upon passing the NNAAP exam, participants will become licensed as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), be placed on the NMI Board of Nursing Registry for Nursing Assistants, and practice as a CNA in the CNMI, U.S. Territories or U.S. mainland. 

Interested applicants can sign up at Participants can also visit the NMC website at to submit an application with NMC admission requirements: official transcript, health evaluation form, valid photo identification, and a copy of diploma. High school students must meet the criteria of NMC’s Early Admissions Program to enroll: official transcript, health evaluation, valid photo identification, and have a GPA of 3.0 or a recommendation letter from a school counselor. All applicants must meet the prerequisite of EN095 (Integrated Reading and Writing II) and MA091 (Beginning Algebra). Seating is limited to 20 students. 

For more information on tuition and other applicable fees, please visit the NMC website at (refer to Nursing Assistant Admissions Guidelines-2021). Students who will participate in this program are required to be vaccinated for Covid-19.

For more information on the program, please contact Andrew Mendiola at (670) 237-6744 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Interested applicants can also contact Maria Aguon from the NMC Tinian Center at 433-0657 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

Northern Marianas College would like to thank its partners in supporting this program: CNMI Public School System, DOL Workforce Investment Agency, Tinian Mayor’s Office, Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation, and NMI Board of Nursing.

CNA Flyer